mardi 14 juillet 2009

Google Wave New Challenges for Service Providers

The recent launch of Google Wave generated a lot of attention, and for good reason. It’s recently crossed my path in a few different settings, and while the news is still fresh, there is a lot here for service providers to be thinking about. At a high level, Wave is Google’s entry into the real time collaboration space, and being Web-based, is poised to disrupt the status quo, not just for vendors, but service providers as well.

This column is not the place to explore how Wave works – I’ll leave that task to you, and you won’t have to look far to find detailed examples and step-by-step screenshots. Instead, I’m going to focus on some of the things that Wave is and is not, as service providers need to understand first and foremost whether Wave is friend or foe.

I’m going to begin by taking a step back to note that Google (News - Alert) Wave is yet another innovation that comes not from just outside telecom, but outside the software world, where you might expect things like this to come from. What pedigree does Google have to disrupt spaces dominated by powerhouses like Microsoft (News - Alert), IBM, and even business software players like SAP? Very little – but that may actually be the point.
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