mardi 14 juillet 2009

Code Review + Google Wave = Code Wave !

Doing some exploratory thinking about the possibilities opened by Google Wave, I came up with this very early idea of something that could turn out to be pretty interesting. In explaining it, I’ll assume you’ve watched that huge 1h20min video they have about it (it’s worth every minute, but there’s an abridged — 10min — version).


People have been doing code review through email for ages. It’s the easiest, dead-simple way of doing it. Just add a post-receive-hook to your repository and make it email a diff of every new commit to a mailing list. People answer to that email, inlining comments where needed. Great, you say. But… It’s not 2.0. Bummer.

You know what is 2.0? Review Board. Very pretty web interface, AJAX, all that goodness (seriously, it’s awesome, I’m even working on it myself). But… It’s not Email.

You know what is Email and 2.0? You’re absolutely right! Google Wave*! :)

So how do we tie it to the code?

Code Wave

The idea so far includes developing four separate pieces of software — one wave robot, two gadgets and one stand-alone web application which will use the embed API — , but the basic idea is to map every commit and every file to its own wave. Think of it as a code browser on steroids.

The Robot
The robot handles creating, linking and updating the repository content, access control and custom markup.

It creates one “absolute” wave for each version of each file and directory, plus one “relative” (HEAD) wave for each, which gets updated with every new commit. This way, one can look at a particular version of a file using the absolute wave, but also use the Playback functionality on the relative wave to watch it evolve as new changes are committed. Since waves can be linked to one another, besides being able to make directory listings, we can also have a header on each wave, linking to the usual previous/next/head commits. This is the “code browser” part.

When new commits arrive, they each also get their own wave, with the commit message, diff content and a link to each file changed. As with any wave, people can comment inline on any part they want, even chat about it, effectively doing (possibly live!) code review. The conversation history will be kept (and “playbackable”) in the wave, and people who are participants will be notified of the changes and can also come and chip in.

The robot also handles access control. Apparently waves, at least so far, don’t allow one to say “nobody can edit the content, only add comments.” If I’m right about that, the robot will need to watch and overwrite any changes to the content itself (the content must always reflect the repository), leaving only comments. On the web interface (which we’ll talk about in a sec), people can decide to “watch” certain (or all) files or directories, being notified about changes in them (much like in Review Board). The robot accomplishes this by adding these people to the commit waves where these files/directories are changed, so the wave pops up in their inboxes. The original committer always gets added, so she gets notified about any comments on her changes.

Another cool thing to have is special markup, so the robot watches for stuff like revision numbers/sha1s and turns them into links to the appropriate wave. It can also be configured through the web interface to turn ticket numbers and the like into links.

The Web Interface
It serves two main purposes: store settings and provide a way to browse the repository and comments.

Settings to be stored are repository path, privacy levels, groups of users, change watchers, robot behavior, etc.

Since waves can be embedded into normal web pages, this is also a nice way to make all that content (files, diffs and reviews) available online without needing a wave client. We could even think about indexing everything and making it searchable.

Gadget Number One
Syntax highlighting, plain and simple. Highlight code, skip (wave) comments, allow raw copying, etc. Could also be used to fold and unfold comment threads, so you could have a look at the diffs without the cruft. Maybe we could borrow some things from Bespin?

Gadget Number Two
Link helper. Like the Google button, that lets you search for something and drag results into the wave, this helper would allow you to refer to other files in the repository, searching them by name/path and dragging them in. Not sure how useful this really is, just thought it was a nifty idea.
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