lundi 3 août 2009

A Preview of Google Wave, Gmail of the FutureA Preview of Google Wave, Gmail of the Future

The Gmail (Google) vs. Hotmail (Microsoft) war continues; and this time Google has really stretched far into the lead. Google looked to the development team of the Rasmusen brothers, the creators of Google Maps to help them build Google Wave. At the Google IO Convention, Lars Rasmusen gave a sneak peak to the new open sourced, personal online communication and collaboration tool. It is a web hosted email system like Gmail or Hotmail that promises to extend beyond the current limitations of traditional emailing. Google Wave was introduced first to developers to aggregate assistance in discovering bugs and developing new extensions to enhance its functionalities.

As Lars explained, emailing was thought of 40 years ago; they based the foundation of Google Wave to reflect how email would work if it were created today. Traditionally an email is created from one source then sent out to one or multiple recipients. Each recipient has to wait to receive the email to reply and then it goes back to the originator. With Google Wave, the email message source will be thought of as one discussion started by someone that will be hosted online and accessed by everyone you would like to have in the conversation online. It allows emails to be seen in real time making it a mix between email and instant messaging.

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